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Tag: debt-free
The Truth About Envelope Budgeting: Does it Really Work?
What is Envelope Budgeting and How Does it Work? Envelope budgeting is a simple yet effective cash management system that can help you get a handle on your spending. The basic idea is to divvy up your cash into different envelopes designated for a specific expense category. Common Envelope Categories You decide on your budget…
The 50/30/20 Rule: How To Easily Master the Basics
What is the 50/30/20 Rule? The 50/30/20 rule is simple enough. It divides your post-tax income into three key spending areas: 50% for necessities, 30% for personal wants, and 20% for building savings and reducing debt. Historical Context of the 50/30/20 Rule The 50/30/20 budgeting rule has been around for a while, but its origins…
Low-Income Budgeting: How to Make Every Cent Count
Stretch your budget and make the most of limited funds. These low-income budgeting tips and strategies show you how to cut costs, save money, and manage expenses when money is tight. Learn to budget effectively and take control of your finances.
Zero-Based Budgeting: A How to Guide to Empower Beginners
What is Zero-Based Budgeting? Zero-based budgeting is one of those fancy financial terms that sounds way more complicated than it actually is. At its core– it means your income and your expenses balance out to zero, no matter what. The zero-based budgeting method will force you to take a hard look at where your money…
7 Budgeting Mistakes and How to Actually Fix Them
Are you tired of constantly struggling to make ends meet despite your best efforts to budget? You’re not alone. By understanding and correcting common budgeting mistakes, you can finally gain control of your finances and start building a secure future. Below, we’ll delve into the top seven budgeting mistakes and provide practical solutions to help…
No-Spend Challenge: The Ultimate Guide to Crushing It
What if you could commit to a full month of not buying anything new? Imagine how it might affect your debt and your bank account. A no-spend challenge is a great way to see these impacts and hit the reset button on your spending habits. Frequently, we make little, apparently insignificant purchases that over time add up…
How to Live Debt-Free Using the 80/20 Principle
Feel trapped by debt and looking for a way out? By finding a strategy and pinpointing the reasons behind your debt, you can start on the path to a debt-free future. In 2016, I was deep in debt. I didn’t know how to get myself out of the situation I had created. I started researching…